Test Pilots have just become a whole lot cuter

Today Mozilla Labs announced the launch of its latest testing tool and, this tool is called “Test Pilot”. It is a platform aimed at collecting, more structured, easier to analyse feedback from Mozilla Firefox and other Mozilla Labs projects.
Before today whenever Mozilla Labs released a new experiment they had to rely upon those of us in the blogoshpere of this, the world wild web. They would then have to hope that people would comeback and find not only the right place to provide feedback but also provide the needed feedback. The problem with this approach is that only a small, select group of people will get noticed and so feedback becomes unreliable. Test Pilot aims to change all this.
As a Test Pilot users will not only be able to try the latest Mozilla features and coolest user-interfaces before the rest but they can also learn how test results contribute to the future designs and adjustments. This means that anyone of any skill level can participate and make a difference in the way Mozilla Features evolve!
Once users have installed Test Pilot you will automatically receive notifications on upcoming and finished tests. Users will have the option to quit tests or to leave the platform in its entirety, and, if the test requires you to install a new feature or product then Test Pilot will ask you for permission first.
Installation is simple. Just visit testpilot.mozillalabs.com and download the Firefox Add-on, fill in a really quick and easy survey. Then your up and running. Simple!