The perfect twitter for a Mozilla Fan Boy!

Mozillaca (based on Laconica) is a free micro-blogging tool for those of us in the Mozilla community. Powered by a team of volunteers, this site allows not only an insight into the minds of Mozilla community members, but a select few Mozilla workers too!

Now for those of you that don’t know what micro-blogging is think of twitter. Twitter is one of the biggest micro-blogging tools there are. Don’t know about twitter? Then lets make this easy.

This is a blog. I can type as much as I want in each post, I can add images, videos, music but this is not the case with micro-blogging. A micro-blog post can only have up-to 140 characters (letters), no pictures, videos, music or anything else. It allows you to quickly share a site of interest, or what you are thinking off!

Mozillaca extends on this slightly by allowing you to add attachments relevant to each post you make, and it calls posts “mozes” (twitter calls them tweets).

So if you are a Mozilla fan boy (or girl) like me then I don’t think I need to say much more other than meet you there!

Follow me on Mozillaca. I’m not that hard to miss 😜