MozCamp Prague 1 day to go!

With just over a day to go MozCamp is now knocking on this front door. I am looking forward to the event, but, those who don’t get to come, do not fret. How amazingly and fantastically awesome could this event really be?

I’m sorry I know that was mean of me but this is a really big thing for me. It is not like you get invited to a conference of this scale when you are not part of a major company, and are only 17 years old. Well… I say my chance is 1 in about 7 billion, so it looks like I beat the odds there! That 7 billion came from the number of people on the planet by the way.

I intend to be going to the unofficial welcome drink and to the jetpack hackathon when I hope to learn a little more about the framework and maybe write a small audio player script.

So, a busy week ahead, and a lot of new blog posts all about the event, as it happens. Just keep your eye my Mozillaca account for the latest from me on the event.