
So you may or may not remember me talking about a little project that I have been working on as part of my computing a-level this year. Well I finally got permission to release the code (not that there is much yet) and share a whole bunch more with you all, so first off… What is Affero?

Well Affero is the latin for the word “contribute”, and this is a fitting code name for this webapp.

Affero is a community contribution wizard that is being developed as part of an A-Level course. It aims to make getting people involved in a community easier for those trying to choose where in the community they want to help out.

The project has its own little blog/change-log going on over at it will update about once per day with new information about the code, the project, and you may also notice that the main Affero site will start to take shape as a full on little web application.

Right now there is not too much information on how the project solves the problem. This is to come! I need to get a little more complete before even I know 100% myself… bare with me on this one.

Oh and one final note, the full code/blog/tests/everything except the official documentation of the project as a whole is available on

UPDATE: Affero just got a logo!