Media, Freedom And The Web

Got a friend in journalism or media? Are you a web developer or audio hacker? An artist, DJ, or Mashup Artist? A student looking to learn more about Media, Freedom and the Web?

Well then I would recommend you take a look at attending the Mozilla Festival in London from the 4th to 6th of November.

Some of you might be interested in learning more about what happens at some of the big tech events. Tickets cost $100.00 (~£60) or students can get entry for a tiny $50.00 (~£30) and there are loads of great and cheap hostels in the area. It is a bit of a stretch for some maybe however there are few events of this size which cost so little.

The event is being run by Mozilla, The BBC, The Knight Foundation, The Guardian and Creative Commons, to name but a few. If you like me are a student then this is a one time chance as this is the only time the event will be in the UK during your student life… unless maybe if you become a perpetual student 😜.

I can vouch for the event being worth the money. Last year I went out to Barcelona for this event (although the theme was learning, freedom and the web) and had possibly one of the best times of my life.

More information can be found at

If you would like some information that is not on the Mozilla Festival website get in contact with the organisers via